Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goddamnit I hate Unicru.

Ok, I'll make this quick... Can someone please tell me wtf is the point of answering 20+ pages of these "personality" questions?
a) You lie and tell them what they wanna hear to get the interview (then lie and tell them what they wanna hear at the interview to get the position)
b) You tell the truth (lol @ clicking "Strongly Disagree" to "I care deeply about the feelings of others) and automatically get systematically forwarded to the recycle bin.

Wow. Congratulations Unicru, you've single-handedly made it miraculously EASIER for hiring managers to be even LAZIER. Oh, and in the process you fucked tons of good, honest people out of even having a chance at employment, while you've pushed the lying, "Tell-you-what-you-wanna-hear-to-get-what-I-want" crowd to the front of the line.

The only positive I see in the whole situation is that it might weed out a few retards that would ACTUALLY click "Agree" to a question like "I would tell my boss to rape himself with splintered balsa wood if he asked me to clean the bathroom before leaving work". Well, fuck those kind of people because they wouldn't even be able to fill out an application properly in the first place, and they probably wear helmets outdoors and misspell their own name. They should be seeking government pity money and not employment (unless it's at wal-mart lol).

So, yea, thanks unicru. For wasting multiple hours of my life. And thank you dipshit companies for buying this crummy ass software and using it to weed out honest people and interview liars.

Why are 80% of the jobs hiring now for SALES?

How many of you actually get to do something you love every day and get paid for it? That must be nice, huh?
How many people have to get up ridiculously early to sit in freeway traffic for an hour to get somewhere and do the same mindless bs everyday while you wait for the weekend to come?

Statistically, I'm pretty confident more people fall into the latter category. I read an ad on craigslist the other day that said "We all have bills to pay and mouths to feed, so what are you waiting for?". I lol'd. The ad was for a door-to-door sales position for some up-and-coming company. From a standpoint of a business owner pushing fresh marketing ideas I can respect that, but from someone looking for employment you just kinda have to sit back and laugh. Does anyone WANT to go door to door and get doors slammed in their face or told to fuck off repeatedly?
Does anyone wanna stand in the back of a restaraunt with piles of dishes around them getting soaked in hot water and wet food for hours while the rest of the staff looks down upon them?
Does anyone want to try their best to sell $2,000 vacuums or ridiculously over-priced kitchen knives for barely any kind of compensation?

Fuck no.

I cant even justify applying for 80% of the shit I see on craigslist or careerbuilder or monster or what have you. The bulk of it is sales positions for companies no one's heard of. Let's be honest, if we're in a recession and people are getting laid off left and right, clinging to every nickle they get their hands on, and losing sleep trying to figure out how to pay the mortgage, then what in the hot gay fuck makes people think they're going to sell homes, cars, remodelling projects, etc. etc.
I've asked this question to some of the hiring managers I've interviewed with and the answer I most commonly get is, "Recession? What recession?".

Again, LOL.

I could see that answer coming from someone in a retail position, or selling cell phones. Obviously people still bought their families blackberrys for christmas, or bought gym memberships as part of a New Years resolution that'll never stick once they realize it takes EFFORT...

But come on, even the best of salesmen are starving right now. If you could sell $50k worth of unnecessary shit to someone on the verge of foreclosing and having their car repossessed then holy shit, you shouldn't be a salesman. You should be travelling the world teaching pushy, comission-chasing assholes how to actually be efficient at their job and make their company (and themselves) money.

So I have no point really, just good luck to all these hiring managers at no-name companies trying to find the salesman of the year to pull their company out of an economic slump.

My Intro - Yes, "blogging" is gay, but only if...

You take it too damn seriously. Is anyone really going to save the world through a blog? Nah. There's probably only a small handful of people that'll even read it. Well, unless you're Pete Wentz or some shit.. but really who cares?

Writing has always been one of my creative strong points, along with music, and I'm a firm believer that the only way to stay sane is to actively pursue the passions you have with every free moment you get. Otherwise you spend your time doing things other people want you to, or that you have no choice in doing, and you turn into an empty shell.

Soooo to make this a quick intro, I'm not doing it to change anything or anyone. I'm not looking for approval or a cult-following, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to upset quite a few people. Should be a fun ride! I look forward to the comments lol.

ttyl faaaaagz!